Flying Insects Management

 Flies such as  Houseflies, Flesh flies, Fruit flies and Drain flies are some of the most common and
annoying flying insects that can be spotted around your house or business.
They thrive in warm, moist conditions and are especially attracted to decaying organic matters or
overripe food such as faeces, carcasses, fruits, etc. Due to their preference for unhygienic environments,
flies are known to transmit diseases caused by harmful germs and bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli.
Thus, contaminating your products and put your business reputation at risk.

Common House Fly (Musca domestica)

Insect; Adult: Gray with four dark stripes on the thorax and yellowish-light brown abdomen; 5-8 mm long, with female usually larger than male. Eggs are white, cylindrical, tapering at both ends. Larvae are yellowish-brown maggots (about 11 mm long). Pupae are reddish-brown and 4-7mm long. A common insect found almost all over the world; usually on and around filth, garbage and refuse and human habitation. Has a high breeding rate and liking for almost any kind of food material; its habit of regurgitating while feeding and particles of dirt etc. sticking to its body hairs makes it a very efficient carrier of disease-causing organisms.


Drain Fly or Moth Fly (Psychoda sp.)

Insect; Adult: small, dark, fuzzy, moth-like, about 2-3 mm long. Adults are weak fliers. Eggs are laid in filth or grease accumulating on sides of drains and pipes, larvae develop and feed on organic matter and microscopic plants that grow in the filth. Adults emerge after 1-2 weeks. Adults are often found clinging to walls of damp areas in bathrooms and kitchens. They are weak fliers, flying only a few feet at a time. They do not bite and are usually active at night. They cause annoyance and are perhaps the most common insect inhabitant of sewage treatment plants.


Fruit Fly or Vinegar Fly
(Drosophilla melangaster)

Insect; Adult, very small light yellow to brown colour, with large, red eyes. Up to 3 mm long, weak fliers. Eggs are laid on surface of rotting fruit. Larvae feed on yeast and fungi growing on the fruit and pupate before emerging as adults. Entire life cycle usually takes 18-20 days. It is generally found hovering in swarms around decaying vegetation and overripe fruit and near garbage bins in kitchens.


Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae)

Insect; Adult: grey with three dark stripes on the thorax and checkerboard pattern on grey abdomen; 10-12 mm long, with females usually larger than males. Some species lay eggs while some give birth to live young on the surface of food such as carrion, dung or decaying material and even open wounds on animals. Larvae are whitish maggots, which feed for 5-7 days before burrowing into the soil to pupate. Can carry leprosy bacilli and transmit intestinal pseudomyiasis to people who eat meat containing the larvae. When maggots develop in open wounds in animals, they can cause myiasis and blood poisoning or asymptomatic leprosy infections. Maggots collected from human corpses have been used as a tool in forensic entomology investigations to calculate the approximate date of death (since the flesh fly’s life cycle is well documented and predictable) and this evidence has often helped in solving murder cases.

Way to Get Rid of flying insects Infestation form your premises

Reduction of fly breeding is to be achieved by eliminating suitable breeding sources for flying insects and eliminating sources of attraction. Either treat or remove the fly breeding habitats. Ensure that Garbage is removed regularly and garbage containers have tight-fitting lids and located in an enclosed screened area. This area needs to be away from the entry & exit points of the premises. Installation of fly entry proofing measures like 18 x 18 steel mesh screens, installation of double doors, air curtains, are required at possible entry places.

What Cannon Pest Management can offer to control Flying insects

Cannon Pest Management treatment is based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles, which is aimed at controlling fly breeding points within the compound area. No pesticide, space sprays, residual sprays will be used inside the production/packing/storage areas.

Insect Light Traps should be installed inside the premises depending upon the requirement. Care needs to be taken while installing these devices. Not to be installed on top of any production/packing machinery, but away from it and near the possible entry points. Space sprays, residual insecticide treatment of water base will be applied outdoors.
All breeding places, external periphery and sewers/drains will be covered during the treatment.


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